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Stolen Explores The "Beings of a Garment" With International Travelling Showcase

Stolen has always been proud to be a Singapore brand.

For this 50th celebration of our nation's success, there's nothing more gratifying than being selected as the only fashion representative out of the 20 creative talents to represent Singapore in the travelling showcase entitled Singapore: InsideOut. This international showcase will debut in Bejing on April 22, then will move on to london and New York before returning to Singapore from 27 Nov to 6 Dec.

Stolen's "Beings Of A Garment" concept for Singapore: InsideOut explores the meaning of existence of a piece of clothing - is a garment only alive when worn, or does its soul remain even without its wearer?

Our artwork starts out as an installation piece to challenge the perception of garments as merely inanimate objects when they are not worn. Using a specially built lighting system and structure for the installation, the STOLEN garments on display will appear as living, breathing things. When worn by dancers, the garments take on the the personality and individual expression of its wearer, becoming almost invisible.

Our Designer Elyn Wong is collaborating with choreographer Lee Mun Wai from T.H.E Dance Company, architect Chang Yong Ter, and audio-visual collective Syndicate to create a multi-disciplinary performance and installation that encompasses dance, fashion, architecture, and music. Come play.

For more information about Singapore: Inside Out, visit http://www.singaporeinsideout.com or email us at contact@stolenstolen.com for more images and information.


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